Have you or a loved one had a Stroke? Stroke can affect many functions of the body and it can also impact the movement of the body. Many problems appear after a stroke such as paralysis, or loss of muscle function specifically
It’s hard enough to be a #familycaregiver, but even harder when doing it from a distance. This article has practical, commonsense tips for any family caregivers, but goes into a bit about doing it when you don’t live locally to the person
By Dorcas Greene, MEd & Stacy Hennis, PT, C/NDT We’ve all experienced it – heart racing, muscle tension, irritability. Perhaps stomach pain or a clenched jaw. Anxiety goes along with not sleeping at night and feeling tired all the time. It can lead
If you follow our blog, attend our support groups, etc., then you’ve heard us discuss the stress on family caregivers. The following is a clip from a radio interview with Dorcas Greene, Family Caregiver Coach. Take 8 minutes to listen to