Most people would assume that ankle injuries are only experienced by sports athletes but that is not the case. Anyone is prone to ankle injuries. Physical therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA would describe an ankle injury as any
Muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction, constant and painful in part or in whole muscle. Back muscles are frequently affected because of their role in maintaining balance. The vast majority of back muscle spasms are a result of a brusque mobilization, forced or
Most people each year undergo joint replacement surgery whether it’s their hip, knee or shoulder, but what happens next? The recovery and rehabilitation therapy following a joint replacement plays a crucial role in how quickly you can recover from the surgery. A
The physical therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy offer healthcare services to athletes. Advanced home care is in the form of rehabilitation, occupational and physical therapy, recovery from surgery, and injury prevention. Physical therapists in Palm Desert, CA aim at ensuring healthy and
What an amazingly powerful picture! Awe inspiring to say the least! A friend posted this picture and the title on her Facebook page. The amount of feedback and people commenting on the picture have been astounding. But do we take a
Do you have back or neck pain? Do your knees hurt? Do you ever feel that your balance could be better? This could all be related to improper alignment at your feet! We know the importance of a good foundation in a
There have been many articles in the news lately about athletes pushing through pain and injury to continue competing in sports. The old saying of “No Pain, No Gain” is not always appropriate! Pain is the body’s way of communicating a problem.