Muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction, constant and painful in part or in whole muscle. Back muscles are frequently affected because of their role in maintaining balance.
The vast majority of back muscle spasms are a result of a brusque mobilization, forced or inappropriate.
The main symptom is the pain in the contracted area. Mobility is often limited in proportion to the severity of the contracture. The other symptoms are discomfort, and bad posture.
Physical therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA are able to feel the hard and painful part of the muscle which is the location of the spasm.
Physical therapists treat muscle back spasm in depth by solving the cause. In manual therapy, they use their hands to relieve back pain and to relax muscle spasm, by applying pressure on your muscles.
Physical therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA focus on muscle relaxation and reinforcement. The deep transverse massages often used on spasms allow the muscle fibers to recover gradually because of the pressure applied. The first sessions allows to relieve back pain.
Physical therapy in Palm Desert, CA also involves the manipulation of muscles and joints. The goal is to stretch and relax muscle spasms by using measured movements of various force, speed and distance.
Joint mobilization practiced by therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA contributes to ease your back pain and relax your muscle spasm through joint movements with slow speed and increased amplitudes.
They establish a muscle building program and postural education. You learn to better control your movements and make better use of the capacities of your spine. It consists in working on abdominal and back muscles, the supporting structures of the back, and on posture.
To prevent recurrences, it is recommended to beef up your back. A proper warm-up is important before any physical or professional activity. Muscle stretching is also a good method of prevention. Therapists in Palm Desert, CA will teach you all you need to know to avoid recurrences.
Manual therapy for back muscle spasm used by physical therapists in Wilmington, MA allows quick recovery, and have no side effect.