The term “injury” refers to all abnormalities causing pain, decreasing the functional level of the affected area. These abnormalities can be due to over-solicitation, imbalance, shock, or dysfunction. Physical therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA will help explain
There are several causes of pain, and they can be related to the mind, the body or caused by general stress. We live in a stressful world, and the most common causes of pain are: Strain associated with day to day life
Most people would assume that ankle injuries are only experienced by sports athletes but that is not the case. Anyone is prone to ankle injuries. Physical therapists at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA would describe an ankle injury as any
If you need physical therapy sessions to fix a problem regarding one or both of your knees, we at New Beginning Physical Therapy in Palm Beach Desert, CA can provide you with the most advanced physical treatment techniques and the most experienced
Knee injuries can restrict your movement and affect your overall muscle control. Further, hurting your knee or as it recovers from surgery could cause its strength to reduce and have your overall endurance change drastically. What causes Knee Injuries? An extensive knee
I’d like to share a story about a woman with whom I recently worked who was struggling with severe back pain. We will call her Susan. Susan was diagnosed with herniated discs (disc bulges) as well as spondylolisthesis (vertebrae slipping on each
Do you have back or neck pain? Do your knees hurt? Do you ever feel that your balance could be better? This could all be related to improper alignment at your feet! We know the importance of a good foundation in a