Physical Therapy has been proven very helpful over the years to a lot of different types of people with different physical conditions. Physical therapy has always been used as a remedy to improve the condition of physically impaired or disabled people. But today, it is also used as part of a daily routine by many people. It helps to improve the performance of their body as it relaxes muscles and aids in various functional movements and abilities.
One part of physical therapy is aquatic therapy. Aquatic therapy, as the name suggests, is done inside the water generally in the pool. This therapy consists of various pool exercise programs that are performed inside the pool. This type of therapy uses the resistance properties of water and can prove very useful. In a variety of medical conditions, buoyancy provided by water plays a great role in supporting the weight of the patient. This reduces the stress in particular areas and joints of the body. From this point of view, aquatic therapy can be very useful in some cases of arthritis or healing fractured bones. One other advantage of aquatic therapy is that it is less painful to the body as pressure and support are provided to all parts of the body, which relieves stress.
Viscosity, another property of water, is helpful in aquatic therapy. Viscosity of the water provides resistance to the body and applies constant yet mild pressure to body parts submerged in the water. This resistance helps in the process of strengthening muscles without the use of any weights. There are various pool exercises designed to get the most out of the therapy. The hydrostatic pressure exerted by water is always perpendicular to the body. This is the perfect angle of pressure as it creates the most impact on the body. It results in several added advantages, one such as muscle positioning. As a result of this, the body feels more relaxed during the time of therapy.
Also, as the temperature of water can be controlled, it can be warmed up during therapy which can assist in muscle relaxation, increase in blood flow and vasodilation of the blood vessels too. This is very helpful in certain problems like muscle stress, back pain and muscle sprain.
Following all the advantages of aquatic therapy, pool exercising is the best way to provide good medical treatment of the body while also helping with the relaxation.
New Beginning Physical Therapy, Inc. provides the highest level of rehabilitative care available. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed physical therapy professionals. Our Passion is to make a dramatic, positive impact in our clients’ lives. We love what we do! Nothing could be more rewarding for us than facilitating your path to wellness. We are in Palm Desert, California, and serve the entire Coachella Valley.