The following are things that you can control to lessen your chance of having a stroke.
- Control your blood pressure. Maintain close communication with your doctor to determine if you need medication. Lifestyle changes, such as exercise, weight loss, dietary changes can also help.
- Make sure your diabetes is under control.
- If you smoke, stop.
- Lose weight if obese or overweight.
- Increase your activity level. Get at least 10 minutes of activity a day – walk around the block at least five times a week. Slowly increase your distance and time.
- Take fish oil daily. If you have medical problems, speak with your doctor about the appropriate does for you.
- Avoid excessive alcohol use or illegal drug use.
- Reduce your stress. Meditation, yoga and Tai Chi are great methods to lessen stress levels.
New Beginning Physical Therapy, Inc. provides the highest level of rehabilitative care available. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed physical therapy professionals. Our Passion is to make a dramatic, positive impact in our clients’ lives. We love what we do! Nothing could be more rewarding for us than facilitating your path to wellness. We are in Palm Desert, California, and serve the entire Coachella Valley.