It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy, have a medical issue or pain. Every person can do one thing to help their health. Our current society is too sedentary. Our computers, tv’s, work and lifestyle have influenced our posture, mobility and overall health. If you want to improve your health, this one thing is critical. STAND UP!!!!
Our bodies are made to move. We need to counteract the influence of gravity. To do this, we can’t be sitting. Something as simple as standing up frequently makes a difference! For any of our clients, this is one of the most important things we request that they incorporate into their daily tasks.
How often should we stand up? Ideally, every 20 minutes. Standing up for even a moment helps you with circulation, strength, fighting the effects of gravity, etc. Simple, stand up, pull your shoulders back. Take a deep breath and exhale. Then repeat frequently!
New Beginning Physical Therapy, Inc. provides the highest level of rehabilitative care available. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed physical therapy professionals. Our Passion is to make a dramatic, positive impact in our clients’ lives. We love what we do! Nothing could be more rewarding for us than facilitating your path to wellness. We are in Palm Desert, California, and serve the entire Coachella Valley.