When you are working out, you need to know if you are really working hard or hardly working. If you are exercising with the correct intensity and duration, then you can get the best results out of your exercises. Proper measurement of your exercise duration can help you make sure that you are not overdoing or “under”-doing your workout.
Three Measurement of an Exercise Program
For any work out, there are three things to measure:
• Frequency of Exercise – how often you workout
• Intensity of the Exercise – the hard do you workout
• Exercise Duration – how length is your workout
It’s easy to measure the duration and frequency of your workout. For instance, you can use a pedometer to count every step you make. A pedometer is a portable electronic device that can detect the motion of the user’s hips. With calibration to the user, the distance covered can be measured accurately.
There are other tracking devices for exercise programs. These are either bracelets or can resemble watches. Some devices are clip-on so they can easily slip in any pocket if you don’t want others to see that you are wearing a tracker.
Measuring Exercise Intensity
In measuring exercise intensity, you need to know how hard the heart is working while you are performing physical activities. There are two simple ways in measuring intensity. The first is subjective, where you measure how you feel (perceived exertion). Usually, the same exercise has different effects on people. The second way is checking your heart rate which is more objective. With a higher heart rate during a workout, it means the exercise intensity is higher.
Whether you are an exercise buff or serious about achieving your fitness goals, properly measuring your exercise regime can help you go a long way since it serves as a measurement of your health habits and exercises. It also motivates you to work harder as you see the great results from your exercise program.
New Beginning Physical Therapy, Inc. provides the highest level of rehabilitative care available. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed physical therapy professionals. Our Passion is to make a dramatic, positive impact in our clients’ lives. We love what we do! Nothing could be more rewarding for us than facilitating your path to wellness. We are in Palm Desert, California, and serve the entire Coachella Valley.