Many of us don’t know that posture and breathing are connected. In fact, good posture is necessary for good breathing. This is the reason why you find it harder to breathe when you sit down and then bend over. So, how is our respiration affected by postural control?
Proper Posture means Proper Breathing
Learning the right posture can actually help you avoid experiencing discomfort and shortness of breath. Here are the steps you can try.
1. Sit up in your chair with a straight back. Your chin should be parallel to the floor. Your spine should be aligned properly so your upper back is flush to the back of the chair while your lower back should be several inches away from the chair back.
2. Put your hands over your lap while both feet are flat on the floor. Concentrate on calming all your body muscles, especially those in your chest, stomach and back.
3. Now, let’s work on your respiration process. Inhale and feel the air entering slowly into your lungs. Can you feel your rib cage expanding? Let the upper part of your body slightly lift up as you fill your lungs with air.
4. Slowly exhale and make sure your rib cage is relaxed so you can allow air to naturally go out. Your hands should stay on your lap and you should have a straight back so your body can easily move as the lungs discharge air and contract.
Poor Posture means Poor Health
With good postural control, you can feel more energetic. If you have poor posture, you can stress your lower back, suppress breathing and proper functioning of diaphragm, slow down blood circulation and constrict your voice. It also increases the pressure on several internal organs such as the colon, stomach, kidneys and adrenals. Bad posture also means you are more likely to develop osteoporosis.
Now you are aware of the effect of posture on your breathing and body. Make sure you are always sitting or standing properly. Good posture can add ten more years of your life as claimed by some experts.
New Beginning Physical Therapy, Inc. provides the highest level of rehabilitative care available. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed physical therapy professionals. Our Passion is to make a dramatic, positive impact in our clients’ lives. We love what we do! Nothing could be more rewarding for us than facilitating your path to wellness. We are in Palm Desert, California, and serve the entire Coachella Valley.