There are factors that you can not control in regards to your blood pressure – your age, ethnicity or family history. But there here are 3 simple things you can start doing right away to lower your pressure.
- Exercise. If your body mass index is higher than 25%, you should start a weight loss program. If you’re sedentary, start with a simple 10 minute walk. Slowly increase your activity level until you’re exercising 30 minutes, 4-5 times a week.
- Eat a healthy diet. Do you know that adults are supposed to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and that many of us don’t? Try to avoid extra salt, especially by avoiding processed foods as they have a lot of sodium in them.
- Smoking. This significantly increases damage to your blood vessel walls and raises your blood pressure
New Beginning Physical Therapy, Inc. provides the highest level of rehabilitative care available. Our therapists are all highly trained and licensed physical therapy professionals. Our Passion is to make a dramatic, positive impact in our clients’ lives. We love what we do! Nothing could be more rewarding for us than facilitating your path to wellness. We are in Palm Desert, California, and serve the entire Coachella Valley.