EVERYONE should do this one thing

It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy, have a medical issue or pain.  Every person can do one thing to help their health.  Our current society is too sedentary.  Our computers, tv’s, work and lifestyle have influenced our posture, mobility and overall health.

Top Thing To Do If You Have Parkinson’s

Remember this if you have Parkinson’s Disease.    ROTATION, ROTATION, ROTATION!!!! Trunk rotation is one of the first things that someone loses when they have Parkinson’s.   It actually is a sign that doctors look at when diagnosing PD.  One of the

Aquatic Therapy and Its Benefits

Physical Therapy has been proven very helpful over the years to a lot of different types of people with different physical conditions. Physical therapy has always been used as a remedy to improve the condition of physically impaired or disabled people. But

Is Your Exercise Enough? Measure It!

When you are working out, you need to know if you are really working hard or hardly working. If you are exercising with the correct intensity and duration, then you can get the best results out of your exercises. Proper measurement of

Get Fit with Walking as a Cardiac Exercise

Cardiac exercise is a type of aerobic exercise that is related to lower physical intensity. It basically focuses on increasing the blood-flow and flow and oxygen into the body, which helps in supporting the metabolism. Cardiac exercises usually work best at 60%

Your Posture, Breathing and Wellness

Many of us don’t know that posture and breathing are connected. In fact, good posture is necessary for good breathing. This is the reason why you find it harder to breathe when you sit down and then bend over. So, how is

Integrative Approach to Back Pain: A Case Study

I’d like to share a story about a woman with whom I recently worked who was struggling with severe back pain.  We will call her Susan. Susan was diagnosed with herniated discs (disc bulges) as well as spondylolisthesis (vertebrae slipping on each

Starting an Aquatic Exercise Program

Summer is here and many people are looking forward to exercise routines in the water.  The pool is a great spot to exercise, especially for those with joint problems or pain.  The buoyancy of the water makes it low impact by taking